- In the latest edition of the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook, Grupo Argos and its businesses, Cementos Argos, Celsia and Odinsa were recognized among the 733 companies, out of more than 9,300 evaluated worldwide, with the best capacity to generate economic value in balance with society and the environment.
- Grupo Argos, Cementos Argos and Celsia stood out for their management of environmental, social and corporate governance issues and scored in the top 10%, 5% and 10% of the best performing companies by industry.
- In general, Grupo Empresarial Argos companies stood out in climate change management.
- In the report that had been published on Friday, December 8, 2023 by S&P Global, Grupo Argos was included in the Dow Jones World, Emerging Markets and MILA sustainability indices, while Cementos Argos was included in the Dow Jones MILA Index.
The latest edition of the Sustainability Yearbook by S&P Global ranked the four Grupo Empresarial Argos companies among the most sustainable in the world for their outstanding management of environmental, social and corporate governance issues.
This measurement, which evaluates more than 9,300 organizations worldwide, highlighted the work done by Grupo Argos, Cementos Argos, Celsia and Odinsa to develop a sustainability strategy that allows them to reduce the impact of their operations while generating integral value for their stakeholders.

“More than recognition, this is an inclusion that commits Grupo Empresarial Argos companies to continue improving environmental, social, corporate governance and economic standards to continue advancing in our sustainability strategy, in line with the best companies globally.”
Ana María Uribe
Sustainability Manager
Grupo Argos
The most important variables for Grupo Argos companies:
Grupo Argos: transparency and reporting, tax strategy, human rights and stakeholder relations.
Cementos Argos: occupational health and safety, climate and water strategy, cybersecurity and information security.
Celsia: stakeholder engagement, innovation, and talent attraction and retention.
Odinsa: emissions, talent management and biodiversity.
About the S&P Sustainability Yearbook
It is a publication whose purpose is to highlight the leading companies in sustainability practices at a global level, promoting the best standards in environmental, social and corporate governance matters, and establishing standards so that investors, clients and society in general have an objective comparative basis when analyzing the different players in the industries that are evaluated by S&P.
This publication can be consulted at: https://www.spglobal.com/esg/csa/yearbook/
Press Room: https://www.grupoargos.com/sala-de-prensa/noticias/
For further information, pl
Manuel Valencia
Director de Comunicaciones
Correo electrónico: mvalencia@grupoargos.com
Celular: +57 311 3845611
Nathalia Ríos
Líder Senior Comunicaciones Externas
Correo electrónico: nathalia.rios@grupoargos.com
Celular: +57 301 4807642
Para información adicional:
Descarga fotografías sobre Odinsa, su vocero y sus concesiones en este enlace: https://we.tl/t-nWuIfBN9wk
Viviana Arroyave, directora de Comunicaciones / varroyave@odinsa.com / 317 6469218
Eliana Villada, coordinadora de Comunicaciones / evillada@odinsa.com / 301 2505559
Visita www.odinsa.com y nuestras redes sociales @SomosOdinsa en Twitter I Odinsa en LinkedIn