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Concession Túnel Aburrá Oriente was certified as Carbon Neutral

  • The certification delivered by Icontec recognizes the commitment of the Concession and the definition of a strategy that includes the development of a program for the management of GHG emissions and the compensation of residual emissions.


  • The achievement of this certification is framed in the sustainability strategy of Odinsa Vías, majority shareholder of the project, which seeks to contribute to a healthy planet with actions for the mitigation, compensation and adaptation to climate change.


  • In 2023 the Concession achieved the management of 100% of its emissions, corresponding to 1,619 tons of CO2e, with the reduction of 85% and the compensation of 15% of the residual emissions.


Medellín, May 22, 2024. The Concession Túnel Aburrá Oriente obtained the CN-CER-2024-75860 certification from Icontec, which accredits it as a Carbon Neutral organization for its commitment and the definition of a comprehensive climate policy that includes neutrality and the development of a program for the management of GHG emissions.


Four years ago, the Concession began the inventory of GHG emissions from the operation of the Oriente Tunnel and the Palmas, Santa Elena and Las Palmas dual carriageways, which led to the implementation of a strict emissions management plan for reduction and compensation; this was part of the first process audited by Icontec, which granted the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Verification Statement for 2023, the first step to obtain the certification. Subsequently, once the inventory was verified, a second audit was carried out which approved the emissions management plan, the climate policy and the declaration of neutrality, complying with the principles of transparency, relevance, reliability and accuracy required by Icontec. 


“This certification ratifies our commitment to climate action. In accordance with our higher purpose, our corporate objectives, guidelines and goals within the framework of the sustainability strategy, we will continue to focus our efforts on energy efficiency, sustainable practices, use of clean technologies, consumption of renewable energies, innovation and joint work with our stakeholders,” said Carlos Andrés Preciado, manager of Concesión Túnel Aburrá Oriente.


This certification is framed in the sustainability strategy of Odinsa Vías, majority partner of the project, called Our Common Journey; which highlights goals to contribute to the mitigation, compensation and adaptation to climate change such as: to reach the carbon neutrality of all its concessions by 2025 and to achieve the reduction of 68% of the scope 1 and 2 emissions (associated to the fuel and electric energy consumption) and 15% of scope 3 (generated by its value chain) by 2030. The latter is endorsed as a science-based target by the Science Best Targets Initiative.


Along these lines, the Concession has been working on its emissions management plan, which includes reduction strategies focused on mobility with lower emissions intensity, efficient driving, consumption of energy from renewable sources such as solar panels, energy efficiency in road lighting, and good practices in the management of refrigerant gases. The results also include: the REC energy consumption certificate to offset emissions generated by electricity consumption; the efficient operation of air conditioners to avoid emissions associated with refrigerant gas leaks; the modernization of street lighting on the roads with the replacement of 1,391 luminaires with LEDs, representing a 56% reduction in electricity consumption and the emission of 5 tons of CO2 per month; and the implementation of courses on climate change and adaptation to strengthen the capacities of the communities near the project.


In addition, the management plan includes strategies to offset 100% of the residual emissions through the selection and purchase of carbon credits in validated, verified and duly registered projects in accordance with the requirements of the standards, regulatory frameworks and their respective principles, with the following characteristics: projects to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, and reforestation and afforestation.


Finally, it should be noted that the actions of the Aburrá Oriente Tunnel Concession are aligned with the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the global goal of avoiding a global temperature increase greater than 1.5°C by 2030 of the Paris Agreement, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) approved by the countries where it operates and the strategy of the Colombian Ministry of Environment “Colombia Carbon Neutral 2050”.

Concession Túnel Aburrá Oriente will remain committed, in this Common Journey, to promoting sustainable strategies for climate action, working continuously to achieve a low-carbon operation and contribute to a sustainable future for all.


For additional information contact:

Viviana Arroyave, Communications Director of Odinsa /varroyave@odinsa.com / 317 6469218

Eliana Villada, Communications Coordinator / evillada@odinsa.com / 3012505559

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Executive Director of Business Development

Systems Engineer from Universidad Eafit, he completed the Top Executives Program at Universidad de los Andes. He has served as Adjunct Professor at Eafit and Rosario Universities.


He has more than 35 years of experience in different sectors, leading companies such as Invamer-Gallup Colombia, General Manager; Grupo EMP, General Director and CEO; and recently he was in charge of the Colombian Embassy in Canada. In addition, he has extensive experience as a member of the Board of Directors of different companies in different sectors, including food, telecommunications and innovation, and in the academic world.

Llegó la temporada de vacaciones y con ella el momento de disfrutar nuestro país!


A través de nuestras concesiones puedes llegar a lugares mágicos de nuestra geografía.

Te invitamos a que recorras el país por nuestras vías y aeropuertos.

#Reconéctate con hermosos lugares de Colombia y nuevos amaneceres.

#ReconéctateConColombia 🇨🇴. Si vas a visitar la ciudad de la eterna primavera estos son algunos destinos que Medellín y sus alrededores tienen para ti.

#OdinsaTeReconecta con el Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado. Visita destinos
mágicos acompañado de tu familia para que vivas momentos increíbles.

Paisajes Malla Vial del Meta


Despierta los sentidos con la música, los paisajes y sabores con los que cada una de nuestras concesiones nos invitan a reconectarnos.

Dale una mirada y comparte aquí


¡Hablar de lo que somos nos llena de orgullo!

Por esta razón, queremos compartir contigo este espacio denominado: Nuestro Viaje Común, aquí te contaremos sobre las diferentes maneras en las que aportamos competitividad a las regiones, contribuimos a la conectividad y generamos oportunidades.

Conoce más en este clip de video


Independent Member

Start date as member of the Board of Directors:

  • March 23, 2023


  • Education
  • Lawyer from Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
  • Course in Finance for Non-Financiers at Universidad Externado de Colombia.


  • Extensive experience in the public, private and academic sectors, with emphasis in the study and practice of corporate commercial law and aviation law.
  • Lawyer of the Legal Vice-Presidency, secretary of the Board of Directors and external legal advisor of Aerovías Nacionales de Colombia S.A.
  • Lawyer of the Corporations Section, Lawyer of the Concordats Office, Lawyer of the Advisory Office, Assistant and Legal Advisor to the Superintendent of Companies.
  • Partner Lawyer, Humberto Mesa Gonzalez y Asociados

Outstanding competences

  • Experience in other boards, risk, infrastructure, crisis management, legal, environmental, social and governance matters; government and public policy.

Supporting Committees

  • Audit, Finance and Risk Committee; Sustainability, Governance and Talent Committee.

Member of Boards of Directors of:

Casa Editorial El Tiempo, Fondo de Pensiones Protección, Cadena.


Independent Member


Starting date as member of the Board of Directors:

  • March 19, 2021


  • Education
  • Business Administrator with emphasis in Finance U. Icesi He completed an MBA and an LLM at IE Business School.
  • At the same institution he completed a Minor in European Studies.


  • He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of EPSA.
  • In 2018 he was a member of the Board of Directors of Procolombia.
  • From 2015 to 2018 he was part of Maaji Swimwear, where he served as: general manager, advisor for corporate strategy and member of the Board of Directors.
  • He worked 8 years in Bancolombia’s Investment Banking, first as an analyst of Banking Investments, later as director of Infrastructure Projects and finally as director of Investments.
  • Leader of Digital Transformation Strategy at Grupo Bancolombia.

Outstanding competencies

  • Experience in other boards, risk, internal control, corporate finance, commercial issues, infrastructure, environmental, social and governance issues; international experience, cybersecurity and strategy.

Supporting Committees

  • Audit, Finance and Risk Committee; Sustainability, Governance and Talent Committee.

Member of Boards of Directors of:

Celsia, Libertank Board of Directors, Mesa Temática Empresas y Valor Social de Proantioquia, Board of Directors of the Medellin Regional of Endeavor.


Patrimonial Member


Starting date as a member of the Board of Directors:

  • August 26, 2019


  • Education
  • Lawyer from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and specialist in Commercial Law from Universidad de los Andes.


  • Currently serves as Vice President of Talent and Corporate Affairs at Grupo Argos.
  • He is a member of several Boards of Directors, among them: ANDI Antioquia, Cementos Argos, Celsia, Odinsa, Colcaribe, CI del Mar Caribe and Argos Honduras, Panama and USA, among others.
  • He joined Cementos Argos in 2006 and since then has had an extensive career in several of Grupo Empresarial Argos’ businesses, among which stand out his roles as: general secretary, Corporate Legal Manager and vice president of Corporate Affairs at Celsia, between 2008 and 2017.
  • Vice President of Legal and Institutional Affairs at Cementos Argos between 2017 and 2019.

Outstanding competencies.

  • Experience in other boards, risk, internal control, infrastructure, crisis management, legal, environmental, social and governance affairs; government and public policy; and international experience.

Support Committees

  • N/A

Member of Boards of Directors of:

Cementos Argos, Celsia, ANDI Seccional Antioquia.


Patrimonial Member


Start date as member of the Board of Directors:

  • August 14, 2015


  • Business Administrator from EAFIT.
  • Master’s Degree in Political Science of Economic Development from London School of Economics.
  • Diploma in Corporate Finance from Boston University.
  • Program in Senior Business Management (PADE) from Inalde Business School at Universidad de la Sabana.


  • Senior Corporate Finance Analyst and Director of Economic Research at Corfinsura.
  • Manager of Structuring and Risk Management at Bancolombia.
  • Vice President of Structuring and Capital Marketing at Bancolombia Investment Banking.
  • Vice President of Corporate Finance at Grupo Argos.
  • Outstanding Competencies

Outstanding Competencies

  • Experience in other boards, risk, corporate finance, infrastructure and strategy.

Support Committees

  • Audit, Finance and Risk Committee

Member of Boards of Directors of:

Cementos Argos, Celsia, Pactia Investment Committee, Aceros Mapa S.A., Corporación Surgir, member of Iluma (Premex S.A.S.) and of the Superior Council of Universidad EIA.


Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board of Directors
President of Grupo Argos S.A.


Start date as member of the Board of Directors:

  • March 18, 2016


  • Civil Engineer from Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia.
  • Specialist in Industrial Operations with emphasis in the Cement Industry at the Confederation of British Industries.
  • Studies at Kellogg School of Management, Universidad de Los Andes and Stanford University.


  • Caribbean Regional Vice President and Vice President of Logistics Cementos Argos S.A.
  • President, Cementos Paz del Río S.A.
  • Chief Executive Officer of Cementos del Nare S.A.
  • President Cementos Argos S.A.
  • President Grupo Argos S.A.

Outstanding competencies

  • Experience in other boards, risk, corporate finance, commercial issues, infrastructure, crisis management; environmental, social and governance issues; international experience, government and public policy; and strategy.

Supporting Committees

  • Sustainability, Governance and Talent Committee

Member of Boards of Directors of:

Grupo Sura, Cementos Argos, Celsia, Summit Materials USA, Grupo Argos Foundation, Proantioquia and the Superior Council of EIA University.