About Us

Odinsa, the Concessions Company of Grupo Argos

We are a concessions company of Grupo Argos dedicated to the structuring, promotion, development, management and investment in road and airport infrastructure with projects that contribute to competitiveness, connectivity and the generation of opportunities in the regions.

We are managers of a complete portfolio of assets through a Private Equity Fund with two investment platforms in infrastructure: Odinsa Vías and Odinsa Aeropuertos; established in conjunction with Macquarie Asset Management (MAM), the largest infrastructure asset manager in the world.


We have presence in Colombia, Ecuador and Aruba with five (5) road projects and two airport projects. In addition, we have five (5) Private Initiatives with which we seek to contribute to the progress of the territories and anticipate their needs by providing solutions.


Together with our valuable team, we work with commitment and conviction to contribute to competitiveness, having sustainability as a fundamental pillar; for us, more than a purpose, represents a journey of transformation open to all, inspiring and shared, in which we seek to create a conscious route to the future hand in hand with our stakeholders.

Read about the most important events



Odinsa was founded by construction and engineering companies.


Awarding of the first road concessions to ODINSA.


  • Santa Marta – Riohacha – Paraguachón (1994).
  • Autopistas de Los Llanos (1994).
  • Autopistas del Café (1997).
  • First international project: Autopistas del Nordeste, Dominican Republic.
  • First bond issuance in the Colombian market for USD 20 million, with AA+ rating.
  • Shares listed in the Colombian Securities Exchange.
  • Awarding of Aeropuerto El Dorado concession.
  • Awarding of Boulevard Turístico del Atlántico, Dominican Republic.
  • Awarding of Autopistas de las Américas.
  • Awarding of the toll management contract for Invías, nationwide.
  • Awarding in Aruba: Green Corridor
  • Awarding of the Pacífico 2 concession. First 4G award
  • Completion of the acquisition of 50% of Quiport.
  • Grupo Argos acquires 54.75% of Odinsa.
  • Change in management, company renamed Odinsa S.A. and headquarters moved to Medellín.
  • Change in corporate image aligned with our parent company.
  • Increase of stake in concessions in the Dominican Republic from 42% to 67.5%.
  • Grupo Argos consolidated an equity interest of 98.55%
  • Acquisition of equity interest of 53% in the Túnel Aburrá Oriente concession.
  • Issuance of ordinary bonds for COP 280,000 million.

  • Partnership with Macquarie Assets Management to create a road assets platform in Colombia and the region.
  • Odinsa acquires an additional 41% equity interest in Concesión Vial de los Llanos (Malla Vial del Meta), for total shareholdings of 92% in this concession.
  • Divestment of the concessions in Dominican Republic: Autopistas del Nordeste and Boulevard Turístico del Atlántico.
  • Odinsa achieves refinancing of its Pacífico 2 concession for COP 840 billion through a loan with social certification.
  • Jointly with the Office of the Governor of Antioquia, an announcement was made to begin budgetary studies to expand the Túnel de Oriente connection and its supplementary roads.
  • Consolidation of the strategic partnership with Maquarie Asset Management and launch of the investment platform operations.
  • We consolidated our partnership with Macquarie Asset Management, the world’s largest infrastructure asset manager, with the start of operations of Odinsa Airports.
  • Fitch Ratings affirmed Odinsa S.A.’s long-term and short-term national ratings at ‘AA (col)’ and ‘F1+ (col)’, respectively, with a stable long-term outlook.
  • Full payment of the bonds issued by Odinsa, amounting to COP 280 billion.
  • We were included for the first time in the Sustainability Yearbook, of which only 10% of the companies participating in the index are part.